Saturday, March 4, 2017

We Have a Tent (Friday Part 2)

For Pastor Lawson we were seated on the far North side of the Worship Center.  On the other side there was just no seats available.  The constant 'mooing' from Cornelius was becoming annoying, but he settled down before the message.

Dr Lawson was his usually crisp and clean communicator with his patented karate chop on the podium.  His voice seems to be the factional part of his effort.  Every muscle in his body was laboring to communicate.  His text was John 10:11-18 (my favorite chapter).  As an introduction, he mentioned that his first  Shepherds Conference was in 1982 and was held in the Chapel.  Then he mentioned the pulpits he had preached from around the world, even the John Knox pulpit in the UK; 'there is no place that I am as honored to be speaking at, than right here...'.

Once he got started he stressed there was only one flock that are His.  There will be no denominations in Heaven only the sheep washed in the blood.  In the section from v.11 - 18 he described this as Christ exegeting His own death (the hinge that a very large door swings on).  Dr Lawson moved to definite propitiation.  During the John Owen lectures in London, Mr. Lawson asked a scholar what was the 'ace card' that for particular anointment-the answer? The unity of purpose of the Godhead.  In short-another great message, worthy of hearing over and over again.

Once complete, we had to leave the Worship Center and take all our belongings.  They wanted to get the area cleaned and do a sound check / rehearsal for the choir.  It was dinner time.  The food trucks were out in force.  Marv and  Jason had meatballs from the volunteers.  Mark went searching for a special gift for Mary and I surveyed the food trucks.  The lines were immense, save for the crepe and Indian food trucks...  The lines were so long that you had to walk the line just to be sure what line was going to which truck.  In the end, I snagged some leftover frys from Chip Bingham and made one cycle for the meatball and chips.  Mark arrived from his quest-no joy.  What he was looking for was completely sold-out.  Sorry Mary.

Back at the Worship Center we were able to seat in the Countryside Section at the left side of the pulpit.  The music was soaring, ethereal and made us feel small-we considered that to be a very good thing.  Just before Dr. MacArthur delivered his message, astronaut Jeff  Williams presented him with a framed copy of one of his Bible commentaries that he had taken to the ISS.  JM was clearly humbled and touched.

The message, was extraordinary for a message from JM.  It was a message that was relaxed and fatherly.  At the begining he started with expressing the joy of the event.  He did not want this to end.  To emphasize the point he stated, "do any of us really want to leave?"; "don't you want to stay?".  Then he pointed to the South (the circus tent) and said, "We already have a tent...".  Pastoral laughter exploded everywhere. It was a great entree to his message and signal for the close of the event.

The central point he was making, was the practical application of discipline and restoration of a believer based on John 21.  In short, ask one question, three times; "Do you love Me?".  We are only fragile and brittle clay pots with unclean lips.  We are filled and defined by flaws and failures.  Our response and only possible path to meaningful worship is; "Relentless pursuit of the knowledge of  Christ and His glory...".

From this we strive to grow in our love, not as a love that is perfect, but a love that is real.  Real love is acceptable and real love will be moved through sanctification toward prefect love.

At this moment we are at the foot of the Providence Mountain range, running parallel to old Route 66.  Jason is changing out with Mark for the next leg.  If all goes well we MAY be home by ~9-10 am Central time.

Love you all!  Seeing you soon.

Too Much Tandy (Friday, Part 1)

On Friday morning we were excited and prayerful to see Pastor Tom and hear his message on the resurrection.  Last year we were able to sit every day with our Church family.  That was a little more difficult this year.  There were just so many folks.  The way each day would normally unfold is someone would secure a row of seats in a good spot, spread out books and bags, then secure each end.  On Friday morning, Rocky was able to get approval through Tom for us to be escorted in while the Worship Center was empty.  We staged at the South entrance.  Rocky met us at exactly 9:15 and escorted us through the speakers entrance.  At the time it was only us, some security and 5-10 other folks.

Then security told us to take our seats, mentioning it was for our safety...  A few moments later the security officer boomed out, "Open the doors".  An officer at each door pushed them open,  In just one or two seconds, this was the scene.

Twenty five seconds later, this was the view.  

Pastors were full-legged stretching in a sprint.  Like a strange variant of black-Friday,  It was easy at first to be a little concerned with this.  However, these were not men clamoring for a TV to watch football.  These were men that wanted to best vantage point to hear, see, learn and understand The Word of God, from teachers that were qualified and uniquely proven.  My thought then became, is that not an opportunity worthy of striving for?

Lammy and Panther were safe with us.  They were behaving and could sit for the message.  Cornelius was not acting as well and had to stay in my back-pack.  Later he really got into trouble.

 Then there was this view.  Dr. Ian Murray being swamped by the young and older alike for words of encouragement and selfies.  He was engaging all comers and was something of a rock-star.

Tom then spoke.  I believe it may have been the finest message Tom has every delivered.  Not sure if it was the time (500th anniversary of the reformation) or if it was that he was assigned 20 verses to cover.  But it was powerful and not to be missed.  He described how the vast majority of all religions and world views are based on a philosophical argument.  One a small handful (five or so) were based on a person.  Of those all their founders were dead and in the ground.  Only Christianity can and should boast of the empty tomb!  The resurrection not only validated the object of our faith, but it demonstrated the acceptability of that sacrifice to the Father for our propitiation!   Breathtaking in  scope, tone and content.  We are a blessed congregation.

Now it was lunch time.  The lunch was from a local grill (Fireside I believe, not sure though).  The food was delicious hot and wonderful.  The amazing thing was how lightning fast were were served. There must have been 1500-2000 men ahead of us in line.  We were served in less than ten minutes.

That ten minutes was more than enough time for 'someone' in our group to restate the rhetorical question, "what is it about the man-bun?".  In effect, Phil Johnson was able to accompany us through much of the conference. 

After at least two speakers pointed out their disdain for skinny jeans and the like, there were still more than a few skinny jeans to be seen.  Nonetheless, they are our bothers and all were loved.  Besides, what can you once you have already packed your clothes?

After lunch we were in overflow for Conrad Mbewe.  Cornelius asked if he could sit with Lammy and Panther if he promised to behave. 

We chose the Chapel for this message, the seats were much more comfortable.  

Pastor Mbewe's message was decidedly human.  He painted of picture from Revelation 4 and 5 of the risen Christ, seated on his throne as the "Paramount and Paramount, greatest King of Kings and Ruler worthy of ALL honor and glory...".  He also contrasted our anxious anticipation of problems and conflicts to the assurance that He is this very moment-ON THE THRONE, controlling all.  Not some, ALL.   After Pastor Mbewe's message there were piles of snacks awash on the campus.  Cornelius could not resist having some salt-water taffy.  At the time, seemed he was eating far more than a little cow could handle, but he had been so good earlier, that against our better judgement we let him have his fill.

By the time we got seated for Dr. Lawson it was clear that something was wrong.  Poor Cornelius.  He had clearly at way too much candy.  Panther and Lammy stayed with him for comfort until his tummy got better. 
At this moment we are loaded up and getting ready to leave.  It is 7:26 local time.  Another update very soon.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Short Day (Thursday)

Thursday was a bit of rest.  The day did not start at Grace until 10:00 am.  That gave us all a chance to sleep in just a little.  Regardless we were all up before the sun,  The RV park is in a bit of a valley, just north of Six Flags,  Just as the sun was climbing over the southern hills this was our view to start the day.

On our way in the chatting about merits of turning 13 second quarter mile times with a naturally aspirated 1.6L VW bug, got the best of us and we missed our turn.  No problem.  It gave us a chance to explore the scenery of Van Nuys and the preference of the other commuters to use their horns at every opportunity.  Must have been our Texas plates.  The impolite feedback of the other drivers was poorly appreciated by Jason and from his sorrow, tended to drive slower.  Since we came up from the South, we got to park in the new lot at Grace.  This was to accomadate the additional ~1500 atendees to this conferenace.

I have no idea what this means but I thought I would share.

The first speaker on Thursday morning was actually Dr. Nunez.  But since I summarized his message in the update for Wednesday because I overlooked Stephen Nichols, lets just pretend that Mr. Nichols spoke on Thrusday morning, OK (see how much fun it is when you hang out with us?).  Stephen Nichols (AKA: Miguel Nunez) Concentrated on John 6 and Hebrews 13, stressing the suffering that we share with Christ and how we can know and be glad that He understand all our trials and our struggles.  In effect Christ is helping us to write our obituary, meaning what will be said about us at the end is being created by the transforming power of His Word, through knowledge, prayers and providence.

During the message we got an alert of protesters that were coming to the conference.  

Seems these folks object that we focus on Salvation through preaching the word, and want us to focus more/exclusively on protests and politics in order to alter abortion law.  We are not here to protest, but to boldly proclaim the Truth and transform lives by growing in the knowledge of the Word of God.  To do otherwise is to ignore the only weapon that can ever be effective.  Not to mention it means we are not obediant to our calling.  Christ had plenty to protest in His time.  He never did.  He proclaim truth and turned the world upside down.  Jason may have been a little homesick at lunch.  Plus the prospect of a 45 minute wait in line seemed daunting.  So we braved the protesters and drove over to COCOs.  This was a sentimental favorite for he and his bride early in their lives.  I am told this was their favorite meal and was selected as being very high-value.

Psst, want see something cool in our trunk?

It is FULL of books!

Oops, almost forgot something.  On Wednesday after Paul Washer, Mark was standing with another gentleman at on of these black bistro tables.  Jason and Marv were at the bookstore and I was paying homage to the high lettuce content of my earlier meal.  Mark tried to strike up a conversation but to no avail.  Then another man walked up.  The two others there, knew each other the conversation went like this:

"Did you hear the Paul Washer message?"
"Well what do you think"
       "not sure"
" I mean, do you still think you are saved?"

That was a depth of conversation that prompted Mark to bid these two a fond farewell.  But consider how wonderful this really is.  A church leader of some kind.  Most likely a pastor, was being challenged on the truth of his faith.  What a truly kind and loving conversation to have.  We have no idea what tomorrow will bring.  Eternity awaits us all.  Better to look at our loves with compassionate brothers than to keep spending energy to fool others and ourselves.

We were in overflow for HB Charles.  Wow, was this man amazing.  He became a pastor at the age of 17 because his father died as the pastor of a Missionary Baptist Church in LA.  He knew little but would drive over to Grace on evening Sunday dates with the woman who would become his wife.  Here he grew in knowledge and graduated The Master's Seminary.  His message was ROUSING and not to be missed.  
"I ask you, what is more important, preaching or prayer?  When you are flying at 30,000 feet, which wing matters most; the left or the right?"  Boom!

Also great time to note-the singing has been very, very loud with booming men's voices fill the entire campus.  The atmosphere is decidedly unified and joyous. A verbal and physical effusiveness is everywhere.  I have heard an endless wave of amens and seen raised hands everywhere.

The next session was Dr. Mohler.  As we were finding our seats 30 minutes before the start-this is how full the worship center was. It is full every time.  With another 1500 in overflows or just standing outside listening through speakers.

Dr. Mohler spoke from John 14 and noting there is NO reconciliation with the world.  We are hated because Christ is hated and we follow Him.  He is hated because the world hates the Father.  That is why good works and even miracles have no lasting effect, save for the elect.  

"how comforting it is to consider  Stephen Martyr under Dicleation, that was so long ago-no a day is coming when that will be our fate." Cornelius loved the message from Dr. Mohler very much but had no idea who Dicleation was.

We left at ~7:30 and accompanied Jason searching for a special gift for some ladies in his life.  Then met in the bus and shared the last shards of ribs, beans, brisket and ice cream.  Early this morning Mrs. Schuh shared a photo of their family singing from their hymnals with us while watching on the streaming service.  For our stowaways, my computer is like a giant TV.  Lammy and Panther recognized their living room and pointed out to Cornelius all the details about their home and family.  They told him about Audrey, Amelia and Ava.  Cornelius was very amazed and as he tried to take in all he had seen.  

With all our joy, it is still important to note again that there is evil crouching at the door.  

But we have been given a cure to share.  Preach the Word, pray endlessly.  The change is not ours to win, only trust and be obidient.

It is now 6:17 am on Friday here.  Time for showers, dressing and prayers for Pastor Tom.  He leads us this morning, we know he will appreciate all our prayers.

We miss you all more than can be explained.  Just a few short hours and we will see your faces!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Getting Warmed Up

I am so sorry for the brevity of the updates and the frequent typos.  I had been doing the updates on my mobile phone.  The very tiny screen, with auto-correct and my giant fingers were no match for helpful communication.  So I have broke out a proper computer for more helpful updates.  Now back to finishing the updates from yesterday (Wednesday).

We had a quick lunch of Inn-N-Out burgers in preparation to heading in to the worship center for a dose of Paul Washer.  I had went by the bookstore because the lines for lunch were so long and then caught up with Mark, Marv and Jason inside.

Paul Washer was very much on-fire and inspiring.  The summary I would share is this:
1: Guys what you are seeing is real
2: It is ordinary and to be expected
3: Get ready it will get worse
4: Keep in mind the object of your faith 
5: Stay the course

Some quote I jotted down that will add context and flavor:
  • Notice that everyone bad is being called a radical-fundamentalist, no matter what the faith
  • We are being shame-ed as ignorant bigots
  • Preach God, Live Intercessory Prayer
  • If anyone in your church gets saved, it is because God is working around you not through you
  • Is you name known in hell?
  • Is there a target on your head?
  • The only reason I am hear is I can take a deer faster that everyone else
  • I have no great mind-if the HS does not show up I can't put 3 words together
  • Regarding the election; Leadership hasn't changed, have you not read Psalm 2?
  • What do your knees look like?
  • Stop living in shadowland
  • I am so tired of the false effeminate, monkish, skinny jeans, contemporary whining preachers-we need MEN.
  • Go and fight-come back on your shield of with it

Did I mention it was a very good message?  Also, this is a great time to note-that there is an army of 1100 volunteers that wait on us selflessly.  They are all so kind and amazing.

The next session was Miguel Nunez,  He expounded on John 14.  Pointing out the high value of our salvation.  The central point was contrasting the tree of life we were told not to eat or face death, then the Second Adam provided his flesh and blood, asking us to partake and have life, The Bread of Life.

Mark Dever finished our day and we were ready for some food and rest.  We left by 7:00pm.  By that time exhaustion overtake us all.  

True story to illustrate how goofy we (meaning myself) were:
I leaned over and asked Jason if he could see that guy with a light-up kippah (aka:yahmika)?  We went back and forth and I persevered in trying to point out this curious illuminated head-wear. Then Jason noted; " you mean that guy with mirror sunglasses on his head, reflecting the lights from the ceiling?"  

Dinner was at BJs then a quick drive to our RV park.  We were so tired, we all (except Marv) missed our turn off and we had to turn around.  From end to end we were up at 4:30am and returned at ~9:30pm.  As breathing packs of warm jello we lumbered into our bed and were asleep in a moment.

Arty-Tardy photos.

Rested and Filled

Even though it is Thursday morning, let us catch you up from yesterday.  On the drive in Cornelius helped watch traffic for Jason. But the crazy LA traffic was too much for him.  He rested in the car with the windows down for ventilation.

Once we arrived Marv wound us to the shortest line for blast.  Jason got to FaceTime the family.

Then we milled around and Jason located his cousin Mike.   Mike's daughter has a very interesting job and is amazingly qualified.

Our first session of the morning was Mark Jones.  He worked through the suffering of Christ and how we share in that as a form of communion.  The point that stands out was:
'when times are difficult and we ask God why?  He will answer, is this not what you asked for?  Did you not ask to me more like Me?'

Jason spotted the Gospel soccer ball. Looked great for taking down to the D. R.

Then we listened to Ian Murray walk us though the greatest dream known outside the Bible, the dream of Pilgrims Progress.
"As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place where was a den; and I layed me down in the place to sleep: and as I slept, I dreamed a dream"

I will share more later but it is time to leave.  I promise, more later.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Quick Status

We just left being immersed in Paul Washer.  So much to take in.  More detailed updates to follow.  Jason and Marv made a bookstore run.  Mark and I grabbed some water and carbohydrates.  Mark said well when he noted, "it would be really good to find a cot for quick nap".  I agree.  Marv will not...

Lammy and Panther did very well.  During g the message the payed attention and took good notes.
Right now we are targeting dinner at BJ'S and getting some sleep after we hear Mr. Dever.  I will try to get you a better update before we go to bed.

Wednesday Update

Got up at 4:30am this morning for the early start with Mark Jones.  Rocky invited us to sit with the staff for this session, so we really need to stay with the schedule.

Registration was great if your name ended in S or U. For last names ending in A, not so much.

Once registered we learned we had the yellow lanyard of the Calvin group.  So we were in overflow for this session.  We chose the cozy and richly wood trimmed Chappell for the overflow venue.

It was a great presentation from JM (aka: Johnny Mac to his good friends like Debra..).  The part that really moved me was when he announced that each of our names were distributed to the congregation and they were praying for each of us personally.  I did not know what to think.  Just accept the kindNess and endless labor from these 1100 servants living out God's love.  It was now lunchtime.  Jason and Mark did a little industrial engineering and determined that time would be best spent by grabbing our books then getting lunch when the lines were shorter. (Danger, arty tardy pics ahead)

After lunch we were back for Dr. Reeves.  He had many great quotes.  One sample, "Christianity is not something you smear onto your real life as just another option for how to live....".  Wow.  Just before Dr. Reeves spoke the Getty's sang.  It was a sort of duel with the booming men singing backup to Kristen.  It was then onto the Family Center for Ligon Duncan.  He is a stunningly practical teacher.  His section was John 6 and his point regarding pastors and teachers focusing too much on delivering the "Bible content",was dangerous.  You must seek to have The Word indwell first before ANY message would have value.

Mr. Chandler kindly invited us to dinner.  No small thing considering that there were 20+ already attending.  Out of time for more details...  I will try to provide updates through the day if there is any time.